
Can You Recover Compensation if You Were at Fault in an Accident?

California’s pure comparative fault system Under California law, a plaintiff who may have had some degree of fault or negligence in an accident may still be able to recover some damages from the defendant. This concept is known as comparative fault and it applies to car accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents, or any other type

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Are Trademark Applications Public Record?

Yes. Trademark applications and all the information provided to the USPTO is made public and searchable via their online database TEAS. The law requires all trademark applications to be made public, including the applicant’s name, telephone, email, and address. The primary reason for making such information public is so the public can readily search for

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How Do You Select an International Class for Your Trademark?

Every trademark application must select at least one International Class for the proposed trademark being filed. The International Classification of Goods and Services, commonly referred to as the Nice Classification, is a system used by many countries to categorize the goods or services being registered. Simply put, it is how the applicant will identify its

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Benefits of Hiring a Skilled Trademark Lawyer

Even though anyone can file their own trademark by visiting the USPTO’s website, from a practical standpoint hiring a trademark attorney is highly advisable. Filing a trademark application is not merely about filling out the correct forms; there are many rules and intricacies involved which only an experienced trademark attorney can navigate through. Some of

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Do I Need a Federal Registration To Have a Valid Trademark?

A federal registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is not required to establish trademark rights. Trademark rights automatically attach to a word, logo, or symbol once it is used in interstate commerce. This is generally known as “common law trademark rights.” However, common law trademarks are generally not as strong as those granted

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