Fictitious Business Name (DBA) Filing
- affordable and easy
- includes government fees
- attorney consultation
- attorney prepared application
- filing with the city
- required 4 weeks of publication
- guide on proper uses of DBA
What counties in California can we file a fictitious business name?
We can file in the following counties: Los Angeles County, San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Sacramento County.
Is a fictitious business name (FBN)?
A fictitious business name is a name that a business uses for trade that is different from the legal name of the owner or the officially registered name of the business. In Los Angeles, a FBN is also known as a “doing business as” (DBA) name.
Do I need to register my FBN in Los Angeles?
Yes, if you are conducting business in Los Angeles County and using a name that is different from your legal name or the officially registered name of your business, you are required to register your FBN with the county.
How do I register my FBN in Los Angeles?
To register your FBN in Los Angeles, you will need to complete a Fictitious Business Name Statement and file it with the county. You can find the necessary form and information on how to file it at the Los Angeles County Clerk’s Office website.
How long is an FBN valid for in Los Angeles?
An FBN in Los Angeles is valid for five years from the date of filing.
Can I use the same FBN for multiple businesses?
No, each business must have its own unique FBN.
Do I need to register a new FBN if I change the name of my business?
Yes, if you change the name of your business, you will need to file a new Fictitious Business Name Statement and pay the applicable fees.
Can I use a personal name as my FBN?
Yes, you can use your personal name as your FBN as long as it is not already being used by another business.
Can I use a company name as my FBN?
Yes, you can use a company name as your FBN as long as it is not already being used by another business and it is not the same as your legal business name.
Can I use a fictitious name as my FBN?
Yes, you can use a fictitious name (a made-up name) as your FBN as long as it is not already being used by another business and it is not the same as your legal business name.
Do I need to register an FBN if I am a sole proprietor?
Yes, if you are a sole proprietor and you are using a business name that is different from your legal name, you are required to register an FBN.
Do I need to register an FBN if I am a partnership?
Yes, if you are a partnership and you are using a business name that is different from the legal names of the partners, you are required to register an FBN.
Do I need to register an FBN if I am a corporation or LLC?
No, if you are a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), you are not required to register an FBN as long as you are using your legal business name. However, you may choose to register an FBN if you want to do business under a different name.
Do I need to publish my FBN in a newspaper after I register it?
Yes, after you register your FBN, we will publish a notice of the FBN in a local newspaper for four consecutive weeks. This is to give notice to the public of the existence of your business under the new name.
What happens if I don’t register my FBN in Los Angeles?
If you do not register your FBN in Los Angeles, you may be subject to fines and penalties. Additionally, you may not be able to bring a lawsuit or defend a lawsuit if you are using an unregistered FBN.
Can I change the name on my FBN after it is registered?
Yes, you can change the name on your FBN by filing a new Fictitious Business Name Statement and paying the applicable fees.
Can I cancel my FBN after it is registered?
Yes, you can cancel your FBN by filing a Fictitious Business Name Statement Cancellation form with the county.
Do I need to renew my FBN after it expires?
Yes, you will need to renew your FBN after it expires by filing a new Fictitious Business Name Statement and paying the applicable fees. This should be done at least 60 days before the expiration date to avoid any lapses in the registration.